Bites of Compose 2

Learn Jetpack Compose one bite at a time

Guowei Lv

5 minute read

Situation 1

Take a look at the Composable below, what will happen if the button is clicked?

fun Situation1() {
    val names by remember { mutableStateOf(mutableListOf("Bob", "Tom")) }

    Column {
        names.forEach {
        Button(onClick = { names.add("Jane") }) {
            Text("Add Jane!")


The list will still consist of Bob and Tom. Jane will not be added. The reason is that for mutable states, only the assignment operation is “observed”. Since adding an element to a list is not an assignment, recompose will not happen.

Situation 2

How about this time?

fun Situation2() {
    val names = remember { mutableStateListOf("Bob", "Tom") }

    Column {
        names.forEach {
        Button(onClick = { names.add("Jane") }) {
            Text("Add Jane!")


It is working correctly this time, Jane is added to the view. This way, changes inside the list (add, delete items) will be correctly “observed”.

Situation 3

Will the UserPage composable get recomposed after the button is clicked?

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val user = User("Guowei Lv")

        setContent {
            var flag by remember {
            Column {
                Text(text = "Flag is $flag")
                UserPage(user = user)
                Button(onClick = { flag = !flag }) {
                    Text("Click me!")

fun UserPage(user: User) {
    println("User page recomposed!")
    Text("${}'s page")


No. “User page recomposed!” message is only printed when we launch the app, but clicking the button will not trigger the recompose of UserPage.

Well, this kind of makes sense, the user object has not changed, so there is no reason to do a recompose, right?

Situation 4

Please pay attention to what is changed, and will UserPage recompose this time after clicking the button?

 class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val user = User("Guowei Lv")

        setContent {
            var flag by remember {
            Column {
                Text(text = "Flag is $flag")
                UserPage(user = user)
                Button(onClick = {
                  flag = !flag
                  user = User("Guowei Lv") // assign a new User object with the same name
                }) {
                    Text("Click me!")


The answer is still no. So this proves that Compose uses “structural equality” to test whether a recompose is needed. Well, really?

Situation 5

Let’s make one character change, val -> var of name in User. Will things change now?

data class User(var name: String)

// ...
// rest of code same as Situation 4
// ...


Suprisingly, this one character change will leads to the recomposition of UserPage every time the button is clicked.

This is because now User is seen as “unreliable” data type by Compose.

So the rule now is that:

  1. For reliable data types, Compose use structural equality for testing if there is need for recompose.
  2. For unreliable data types, always recompose no matter what.

OK, I know, these all sound magical. Don’t worry, I will explain in more detail.

Situation 5

Let me now try to explain why by changing name property from val to var, the UserPage will always be recomposed. I abstract away some implementation details of previous example and now it becomes the following:

data class User(var name: String)

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val user1 = User("Guowei Lv")
        val user2 = User("Guowei Lv")
        var user = user1

        setContent {

            // ...
            UserPage(user = user)
            // ...

            // ... Event A
            user = user2
            // ...
            // ... Event B
            // = "Hello Kitty"        

fun UserPage(user: User) {
    Text("${}'s page")

    // ... Event C
    // trigger recompose of UserPage from within
    // ...

Somethings to note here:

  1. There are two structurally equal objects user1 and user2.
  2. Component UserPage is passed the object user, initially user is assigned with user1.

With this setup, let’s imagine that somehow, user gets assigned to user2 (Event A) and a recompose is triggered inside Situation5 component. In such case, compose will need to decide whether UserPage will need a recompose or not. Well, we already know that a recompose will be triggered, even though user1 and user2 are structurally equivalent.

Let’s think from the other way around, what if compose uses structural equality here and skips a recompose, let’s see if some bad things will happen.

If the recompose is skipped, we are left with the situation:

  1. user is pointing to user2.
  2. UserPage component is still bound to user1, because recompose is skipped (this is the key).

OK, all set. Now, let’s imagine that 2 events happen:

  • Event B: user2´s name property changes to “Hello Kitty”.
  • Event C: a recompose is triggered somehow from within EventPage.

With these two events happen, we would expect that EventPage will use the new name from user2, right? Well, that will not happen, because UserPage is still hooked up with user1, remember?

In other words, if we pass o1 to Component and later pass it o2, we can only skip o2 if we can guarantee that o1 and o2 will forever be equal. If not, we’d better replace o1 with o2, because at a later point o2 might change to be different from o1 and Component needs to know it.

OK, that’s it for now, there are more to discuss about this topic, so stay tuned!

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