Android Development

Why we stopped using dagger

And some thoughts

2 minute read

why we stopped using dagger

I decided to stop using Dagger2 in our company’s android project. Why? Don’t get me wrong, Dagger2 is still great. But though it is great, it is complex. Lots of concepts to wrap our heads around. What is a component, what is a module, what is the difference between subcomponent and dependency component, etc. In order to use it properly, we need to anwser all that questions, even you think you understand it, you still run into suprises now and then.

2 minute read

Android coding kata

Since I have been doing programming kata, why not adopt the same kata concept in Android programming? Over the years I have accumulated some useful tools / tricks that I can show in kata form. The goal is to keep it simple and easy to grasp and to the point. This is the first one, which shows how to use ViewPropertyAnimator to animate show and hide of the FAB button.